ACT Drive Secondary Removal
With many of the later model Arctic Cats fitted with the ACT (Diamond) Drive gearbox and secondary clutch, many of you have encountered difficulty when removing the secondary clutch. Some units (not all) are stuck on the shaft, and require some extra muscle to get them off. This is required to perform service on the unit, or to replace the helix and/or spring for elevation/performance changes.
We’re all pretty much used to simply removing the end retaining bolt and washer(s) and having the clutch slide off. Usually. Unlike the older sleds, where the aluminum clutch has seized to the steel jackshaft due to corrosion, it appears in this case the splines in the clutch are not cut deep enough. When the clutch is tightened to the shaft it can cause it to be “press fit†onto the shaft. Careful application of pressure with something like a pry bar on the backside, along with tapping on the end bolt partially threaded in works in most cases, but you need to be careful so you don’t nick up the back side of the clutch sheave.
Arctic Cat does sell a tool for this specific procedure. Contact your Arctic Cat dealer for pricing and availability.
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