Snowmobiling’s #1 Enemy
Ask most anyone involved with the creation and maintenance of snowmobile trails on private land and they will tell you the biggest threat to our interconnected trail system is trespassing. Snowmobile riders, more and more each year, venture off the groomed path in places where it is strictly forbidden.... Read more
Off Trail Snowmobile Trespassing: “The Devil Made Me Do It”
The snowmobile industry has had long track mountain sleds for many years, at least 25 years by my best guess if we go by the introduction of the Ski-Doo Summit in 1994. Long track sleds are like a big snowshoe in that they provide greater flotation which is very... Read more
Why the Trails Weren’t Open
The old-timers warned us it would happen someday. The calendar said December and the weather map showed a great big storm had dumped all kinds of snow up north. Figuring this would be just like any other year out of the past 50, we loaded up our sleds and... Read more
All The Gear, All The Time
Today I will ask each of you a very simple question – when you go snowmobiling, why do you strap on a helmet? Most likely the answer would be because of the risk of head injury while out riding. Maybe you haven’t given it much thought and strapping on... Read more
Help Wanted
Before you get all excited and send in your test rider resume to our office, you need to understand something. Your help is both wanted and needed, but not here at the magazine. Instead, the sport of snowmobiling wants you and needs you. Actually, you need each other –... Read more
Snowmobiling’s Hidden Opportunities
Believe it or not, some of the best riding you will ever find could be lurking just before you and you didn’t even know it. Seriously. There are so many hidden opportunities out there that it will blow your mind when you find them. For starters, snowmobilers tend to... Read more
A Passionate Bunch
All you have to do is go to one of the big time snowmobile shows in the fall and just stand there and listen to people. It is some of the best entertainment there could possibly be. We have a crazy bunch of people who not only paid good... Read more
The 2017 Model Year
All in all, 2017 looks to be an excellent year for new model choices, from the speed demons and lake racers to the trail riders to the crossover shredders and all lengths of mountain sleds. High performance sleds are where the action is because this is where the product... Read more
     It was one of those things that when it happens, you tell yourself it just goes with the territory. That is, if you are going to own recreational vehicles and have to tow them to ride them, you will have problems with your trailer lights at some... Read more
From the September 2014 issue of SnowTech Magazine. (Aug 2014) Really? Tough sledding? How can we say this when we had yet another year with over 300” of snow fall down wind of Lake Superior, giving us some of the best low elevation riding one could possibly imagine? How... Read more