Dear Ralph: I have a 2006 Yamaha Attak and absolutely love the sled. The power, the stability, the way it takes the bumps, and...

Dear Ralph:
I have a 2006 Yamaha Attak and absolutely love the sled. The power, the stability, the way it takes the bumps, and the fuel economy are all so much better than what I was used to.
Problem is, my sled started to display a number 35 error code on the digital display at the end of the season. That error code isn’t on the list I have. Sometimes it would even stutter like it was missing. It’ll come and go, what can I tell my dealer to be looking for?
T. Morin

Yamaha service tells us they’ve found a few cases of this where a wiring harness is contacting a bolt, causing an intermittent short to ground and a subsequent ignition misfire. Look for a wiring harness near the #3 spark plug, the wires coming out of the bottom of the plug are going to be touching the bolt that secures the #3 ignition coil. Follow the wiring up to the black tie wrap, loosen this tie wrap and inspect the wiring where it was contacting the bolt. It might have burnt through the insulation, so repair as needed. Then re-position the tie wrap so it holds the wiring harness, plug and wires, up and away from the coil bolt.
Many riders will very carefully inspect the wire routing and hose routing of their sleds and often find a better way to route or secure wire or hose routes to keep them away from heat and contact that can damage the wiring or hose. When a wire contacts the edge of a metal part, it’s only a matter of time before vibration and movement will fret away the plastic insulation, exposing the metal wire to ground potential (most every metal part on the sled is at ground potential) and then the circuit shorts out. Bad deal.

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