When the REV hit the snowmobile scene in 2003, it and the Arctic Cat Firecat were the first sleds to locate their air intake...

When the REV hit the snowmobile scene in 2003, it and the Arctic Cat Firecat were the first sleds to locate their air intake in front of the windshield. Traditionally, the intake had been located somewhere behind the windshield or on the back side of the hood, relatively protected from snow ingestion.

The Firecat’s intake out in the nose and up on top of the hood was given the benefit of an “Outerwears” waterproof prefilter. The REV, with its intake up high along the left side panel, isn’t as prone to snow as the lower, more-forward location of the Firecat, but being ahead of the windshield there are occasions where a waterproof prefilter would really be nice.

That’s why we install one on every one of our REVs. You never have to worry about the OE filter filling with fine powder, or freezing up and blocking the airflow. In extreme conditions one might have to wipe the pre-filter off, but the snow and ice and water do not impregnate the surface like the OE filter allows.

You can get a REV pre-filter at any Ski-Doo dealer, and most aftermarket shops as well. Usually they’ll run about $20. Pull your OE filter out – notice the orientation of the cut and shape as you remove it – pull the pre-filter over the OE filter – insert into side panel, orienting the filter in the same manner as it was removed.

Airflow restricting, you ask? Supposedly less than 1% we’re told, shouldn’t be an issue out in the field.

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